You can choose a topic from the list or do one of your own, as long as it's related to the Middle Ages.
Monday, August 31, 2009
List your research paper topic here...
You can choose a topic from the list or do one of your own, as long as it's related to the Middle Ages.
Friday, August 28, 2009
Now that the book is over....
Hey guys! What did everybody think of the book? At some parts, I was a bit bored with the fancy language, but all in all, I thought it was great!
Did Grendel choose to be evil?
Tips for studying for the test
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Did Beowulf heed Hrothgar's warning?

Last week we discussed how Hrothgar, after congratulating Beowulf, warned him about becoming prideful. He told him the story of the king, who after many successes and after gaining many riches, lost his gratitude and became greedy and prideful. The king then thought he was above everyone else and when danger came, he did NOT see the warning signs.
As you read the story of Beowulf's reign, do you think he listened to Hrothgar and avoided pride? Did he recognize signs of danger?
Post your thoughts below.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
****Please READ everyone****
I wanted to go over a few blog rules, which I should have been more clear on in the beginning of the year.
~Please keep comments and post topics related to what we're reading.
~Please be respectful of each other and keep the environment friendly. While some may know each other better and feel free to banter with each other, this may actually keep our newer students from posting (they may be afraid someone will be pithy towards them). Attitudes may come across more strongly in type, than in person and could inadvertently hurt someone's feelings.
Feel free to discuss any questions or comments you have about the book. This can be a great way for our class to grow more comfortable with each other and open up discussion that will make the books we read more meaningful.
~Please keep comments and post topics related to what we're reading.
~Please be respectful of each other and keep the environment friendly. While some may know each other better and feel free to banter with each other, this may actually keep our newer students from posting (they may be afraid someone will be pithy towards them). Attitudes may come across more strongly in type, than in person and could inadvertently hurt someone's feelings.
Feel free to discuss any questions or comments you have about the book. This can be a great way for our class to grow more comfortable with each other and open up discussion that will make the books we read more meaningful.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Writing assignments for this week....

You may choose one......
Focus on the celebration at Heorot (lines 1191-1382). Write a "stream of consciousness (random thoughts that would just occur in her mind) " narrative from Wealtheow's point of view. Include her impression of everything up to this point: her hopes and dreams for the future, her reaction to Beowulf's 1st battle, her response to the celebration and so on. They don't have to be complete sentences just thoughts. For example, "My that man is big. If anyone can save us surely it must be him. I wonder if I cooked enough beef. They sure look hungry."
Retell the events in lines 1383-1816 from Unferth's point of view. Consider his background, his original jealousy, his own fears and his change in attitude.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Friday, August 14, 2009
Do you feel sorry for Grendel's mother...
Thought this might get some discussion going. What do you think?
Quick question...
Do we have a choice between Journal Writing Activity 1 or 2? Or do we have to do both? (Sorry, I wasn't in class on Monday.)
Where is every body??
Why aren't people blogging....? :( So far it has only been Anna, Amy, and sometimes Cephia!
Where is every body?!
Where is every body?!
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
New Writing blog...

We have a new class writing blog There is also a link under "blog links" to the left. You should have already received an invitation, if you haven't let me know and I'll send you another. On this blog you can read other student's writings and post your own.
Hope you're enjoying Beowulf!
Ms. Michelle
Monday, August 10, 2009
Journal writing activity #2
Write a complete description of Grendel
1. Reread the description of Grendel in lines 710-945. Jot down details of Grendel's description along with other details you'd like to add from your imagination. It might help to do a mind map. On a blank piece of paper make a circle in the middle, write Grendel's name in the circle. Make lines out of that circle and write a descriptive word on each line.
2. Write a description in your own words. Be sure to use alliteration and kennings if they don't sound too forced.
Have fun!
1. Reread the description of Grendel in lines 710-945. Jot down details of Grendel's description along with other details you'd like to add from your imagination. It might help to do a mind map. On a blank piece of paper make a circle in the middle, write Grendel's name in the circle. Make lines out of that circle and write a descriptive word on each line.
2. Write a description in your own words. Be sure to use alliteration and kennings if they don't sound too forced.
Have fun!
Journal writing activity #1

Retell the events from the coast guard's point of view. Consider how he feels about the importance of his job, the desperate situation in his country and the arrival of the fearsome warriors.
Steps to complete this journal entry.
1. Reread lines 229-300. As you read jot down important events in the order they happened.
2. Note any descriptive nouns or verbs. Jot them down on a piece of paper and beside them writing the common noun or verb.
3. From your list of events rewrite the story from the coast guard's point of view. Put yourself in his shoes. Use descriptive nouns and verbs.
4. Add alliteration and kennings to your piece if they help it to flow and don't feel forced.
Assignment due Monday, August 17th.
Have fun!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Class Countdown....
Monday, August 3, 2009
The Anglo-Saxons are coming.....

Beowulf, our first book, was written by an unknown Anglo-Saxon author around 700 AD. In order to understand the book better, we need to be able to understand the times in which it was written.
Please sign up in the "comments" section to research one of the topics listed below. Your research does not need to be formally written up, just jot down some interesting notes and bring them to class on Monday.
Anglo-Saxon religion
An Anglo-Saxon Lord's life
Slavery in Anglo-Saxon times
Anglo-Saxon clothing
Anglo-Saxon weapons
Anglo-Saxon leisure time
Anglo-Saxon travel
Anglo-Saxon Government or administration
Anglo-Saxon farming
Anglo-Saxon food/diet
Please sign up for what you want to research in the comments section so we can be sure that each topic is covered. Once each topic is assigned to one person, than 2 people can research the same topic. Good places to get information might be a World History text or the internet.
Who is your hero?

We are about to enter the Medieval World of monsters, dragons and knights. This is a time when people felt vulnerable and needed heroes to protect them. Kings ruled through might and force and needed men who could protect them. These men were often said to have inhuman powers and tales of them spread far and wide.
We still love heroes today.
Who are today's heroes and what qualities do they possess (wisdom, athletic ability, courage)? Write some examples of today's heroes in the comments section with the trait that makes them a hero beside their name.
Welcome to our Blog!
Welcome to our class blog! This blog is for discussing the books we will read in class. Feel free to post questions, opinions or any insights you may have on what we are reading. I highly encourage everyone to participate. The more interaction we have, the more fun the class will be for you.
You should have each been given the ability to write posts and comments. In order to do this you may need to sign up for a Google account, which is perfectly safe.
I will check the blog daily. If you have any questions about your reading, please post them here and I will usually be able to answer that day.
This is also where I will post assignments that need to be done before class, so please check the blog prior to class time each week.
Enjoy everyone & Welcome back!
You should have each been given the ability to write posts and comments. In order to do this you may need to sign up for a Google account, which is perfectly safe.
I will check the blog daily. If you have any questions about your reading, please post them here and I will usually be able to answer that day.
This is also where I will post assignments that need to be done before class, so please check the blog prior to class time each week.
Enjoy everyone & Welcome back!
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